Sometimes the only thing better than reading a book by your favourite author is reading a book
about your favourite author. I've been coming across a lot of interesting looking author biographies of late - though reviews, radio interviews and other sources. Whether modern day or historical, literary or popular, reading an author biography is not only a great way to learn about that author's life, but also to see their writing in a whole new light.
Ayn Rand and the World She Made by Anne C. Heller: the author of the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged has seen a resurgence in popularity of late. This is one of two well reviewed biographies of her to surface in the last two years (the other being
Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right by Jennifer Burns).
Flannery: a life of Flannery O'Connor by Brad Gooch.
The Blue Hour : a life of Jean Rhys by Lilian Pizzichini: "This groundbreaking biography of Jean Rhys--best known for her 1966 "
Wide Sargasso Sea"--examines the life of the psychologically traumatized novelist who forever changed the way readers interpret women in fiction."
(library catalogue).

Louisa May Alcott: the woman behind Little Women by Harriet Reisen.
L.M. Montgomery by Jane Urquhart: part of the Penguin series
Extraordinary Canadians.
Maya Angelou: a glorious celebration by Marcia Gillespie: biography of the poet and author with photographs and letters.

The Talented Miss Highsmith : the secret life and serious art of Patricia Highsmith by Joan Schenkar: a look into the fascinating and sometimes bizarre life of the author of the Talented Mr. Ripley series.
Muriel Spark: the biography by Martin Stannard: a look into the life of one of Scotland's most important 20th Century writers.
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