Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Literary World Cup - Part IV

Soccer is a magical game. - David Beckham

 Iran vs Nigeria:

Ganjeh ghazal by Mehdi Sohaili

A man of the people by Chinua Achebe

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Ghana vs USA:

Search sweet country by B. Kojo Laing
Cat's cradle by Kurt Vonnegut


Belgium vs Algeria:

The square of revenge by Pieter Aspe

Ce que le jour doit à la nuit by Yasmina Khadra

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Russia vs Korean Republic:

Казус Кукоцкого Людмила Улицкая /

Kazus Kukotskogo : roman by Liudmila Ulitskaia

The old garden by Hwang Sok-Yong

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Brazil goes into every World Cup expecting to win – so when it is in Brazil it is expected even more. You can’t understand what the World Cup means to our country. — Ronaldinho

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