Murder for Choir (M)
by Joelle Charbonneau
First in the Glee Club Mystery series in which a high school choir coach investigates the murder of a rival choir's leader.
Quilt or Innocence (M)
by Elizabeth Craig

This one is subtitled "A Southern Quilting Mystery" and follows Beatrice Coleman, a retired art curator and new member of a small town quilting club as she tries to solve the murder of the landlord who wanted to raise the rent of the local quilt shop.
It was actually hard for me to pick just one book that substitutes the world "hearse" for "horse" in its punny title: it seems to be a real mystery novel title trope. Here are two to consider:

Hearse and Buggy (M)
by Laura Bradford
All the Pretty Hearses (M)
by Mary Daheim

by Cleo Coyle
There are some hilarious titles amongst the 11 (thus far) in this coffee themed series that features the part-time sleuthing of a small town coffee shop manager. This is the most recent (although the 9th in the series—Roast Mortem—is my favourite pun).
Dead Man Waltzing (M)
by Ella Barrick.
Ball Room Dance themed mystery anyone? From

Threaded for Trouble (M)
by Janet Bolin.

The second in the Threadville Mystery series in which a small town embroidery show owner investigates crimes. The title of the first in the series Dire Threads (M) is a sort of a pun, but I think this one is better.
Fashion Faux Paw (M)
by Judi McCoy.
The latest in a dog themed mystery series that f
Hah! Can't beat a good pun. Here's one I spotted lately: http://www.50shames.com/