The shelves at the library are filled with wonderful, interesting looking baseball history titles. A recent one is called Change Up: an oral history of 8 key events that shaped baseball. As the title suggests it examines specific changes over the sport's last decades. Booklist magazine said that "Serious fans of the game will find this one of the most eye-opening and fascinating baseball books of the year."

Milano is a Dodger's fan and probably not too excited about this year's World Series lineup. American novelist Jane Heller, however, is a Yankee's fan through and
through. Although more well known for her humourous fiction titles like An Ex to Grind and Best Enemies, Heller has also recently penned a memoir called Confessions of a She-Fan: the course of true love with the New York Yankees.

A little older than those titles is Roger Kahn's 1972 The Boys of Summer, which follows his love of baseball, and his years covering the Brooklyn Dodgers as a reporter for the New York Herald Tribune. Considered a classic of baseball writing, it was recently re-released by Harper Perennial Classics.

I'll finish off with a book I've flipped through a bunch of times over the last few years, because it takes a look at something that's always fascinated and frustrated me about modern sports - the endless supply of stats that are thrown at you when you watch a sports event. Curve Ball: baseball, statistics, and the role of chance in the game is written by scientists, mathematicians and Phillies fans Jim Albert and Jay Bennett - I'm sure the authors will be watching the upcoming games and jotting down a few numbers.
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