World renowned comic book author
Harvey Pekar has passed away at his Cleveland home at the age of seventy.

Best known for his autobiographical
American Splendor series,
Pekar was on the leading edge of comic book writing for much of his career. He frequently collaborated with such luminary artists as R. Crumb and Frank Stack.
Pekar was clearly anti-establishment in his approach, offering a voice that resonated widely throughout the underground and counter culture. His impact certainly went well beyond the printed page, perhaps best exemplified by his controversial
interviews on Late Night with David Letterman.

His American Splendor series inspired a well received
film of the same name, starring a brilliant Paul
Giamati in the lead role.
Pekar's life seemed anything but easy, but he leaves us with a body of work that is innovative, meaningful and inspiring.
May he rest in peace.
He will be missed. One of the true greats.